With a long history of quality rides and a product mix for the entire family to enjoy, Zierer Rides delivers what your guests expect.
Tower Coaster (LSM or Chain Lift)
Innovative coasters with elements that are unique in the industry.
Star Shape
From thrilling coasters to
appropriately-exciting smaller kids attractions, Zierer Rides truly create the memories that are passed on through generations.
Many levels of family coasters available with custom theming
Major coasters with LSM or chain drive and Drop Elements
Jet Ski ride
With a long history of producing the highest quality rides in the industry, Zierer has the right product for your target market easily meeting your needs. For a complete list of Zierer rides,
please visit the Zierer website at this link. Zierer
Contact Us Today!
For additional information and sales in North America, please contact Bill Ossim.
Phone: +1 575 574 2593 +1 575 574 2593